Wednesday, February 22, 2006


There are several things that drive me insane. Right now I am feeling insane so I am going to list them in the hopes that this will release me from my insanity.

1. garbage bags tied neatly up and then deposited outside a bedroom door for maybe the maid or the garbage man to give room service...

2. globs of peanut butter wiped off the knife onto a clean dish towel (not rag), the towel then redraped wherever it was with the peanut butter inside it so when the maid (apparently me) will discover it while wiping her clean hands

3. unwanted items of clothing left outside of same bedroom doors waited for pickup or same items stacked on top of radiators for maid to find them and distribute or give them away. Oh wait, usually unwashed unwanted clothing.

4. putting ones finger up ones nose and then asking if someone will please pass the food we are about to eat so they can stick same finger in that too

5. chewing lots of food, with mouth open, spewing bits pieces around the table and asking me(at same time) some totally unitelligible question about something totally off the wall

6. not understanding when I say that question is totally off the wall and I don't want to talk to you when you are spitting food in my face

7. putting silverware back in the drawer dirty because you hardly used it and didn't think it needed to be washed

8. getting phone calls from a computer

9. walking clear across the house with wet and muddy feet (we are not talking toddlers here, age wise anyway) and then turning to me and saying sorry, but keep walking on anyway

Okay I am getting past it now, sanity is returning, so I will quit that annoying list.